Dear Mr. Titus:
Thank you for sharing your views regarding United States policy towards Iran. I appreciate your taking the time to contact me.
Recently, the intelligence community released a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) stating with "high confidence" that Iran abandoned its nuclear weapons program in 2003. However, as the NIE acknowledges, Iran continues to enrich uranium on an industrial scale in open defiance of binding UN resolutions. Thus, regardless of whether Iran axed a particular program in 2003, it continues to aggressively pursue a broader nuclear agenda that could be turned into a weapons program at any time. And it is doing so in defiance of international law.
Iran poses a clear and present danger to the entire region, and the world. In addition to the country's continued antagonistic rhetoric, a source within the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recently confirmed Iran has the blueprints to case uranium in the shape of an atomic bomb core. The U.S. also knows that Iran has extensive technical information on how to fit a warhead atop a ballistic missile and there is considerable evidence that Iran has also been developing the detonation devices needed to set off a nuclear explosion.
Even assuming Iran is not seeking a bomb right now, it is far from reassuring that they are developing technologies that could bring them within a steps of one. As former Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and a former Marine, I believe a nuclear Iran is a significant roadblock to peace in the region. It is also an unacceptable security risk to the United States and the world. Iran continues to provide financial and material support to terrorist groups that use violence against the United States and our allies in the region.
Because of Iran’s demonstrated hostile intentions, I will continue to support policies that promote the containment of Iran until it agrees to comply with international law. It is my hope that the United Nations Security Council will continue to work collectively and decisively to stifle the Iranian regime's dangerous attempts to exert influence over the international community. Again, thanks for writing. If you would like more information on issues before the Senate, please visit my website at
With every best wish,
Does this sound at all like something you have heard before?
Does your stupid pacifist Bush hating bs sound like something we have heard before. Liberal pansies are ruining this country.
And this is exactly what I am talking about. This guy joined within the last 4 days, and decided instead of using rational and coherent arguments as to why Iran is still a threat and that we need to keep all options, including military, on the table, he just spewed some conservative rhetoric with no basis whatsoever. Great job Mr. jocopatriot, you are a moron. (now just imagine the theme song for the real men of genius ads)
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