Monday, August 25, 2008
MSM notices the Vietnam excuse UPDATED
This is stunning not for the fact that someone noticed, bloggers have been noting this more and more often of the last few months. What is surprising is that a large media company is mentioning it. McCain used to joke that the media was part of his constituency. It's becoming more and more obvious that even the media can't keep sugar coating everything he does. It will be interesting to see if this is a one time fluke, or if it will become more common to notice that he rarely answers questions, instead talking about his military experience and Vietnam.
As many people have already said, being a POW is not a requirement for being president. It also shouldn't be a platform to use to get yourself ahead, playing off people sympathies and avoiding the "straight talk" about many issues.
It seems Jay Leno picked up on it a little during a tonight show appearance by John McCain. The audience seemed to enjoy watching McCain get skewered by Jay on the housing issue.
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
Meet Joe Biden - UPDATED
McCain is going to anounce his running mate on his birthday in a week, he turnes 72. Some people suspect he will choose Romney, others are saying he has to because of of his own lack of domestic experience. I don't know if Romney would be the best choice, but in this election year you could do worse. A running mate that wasn't a senator or really involved with Bush at all might take the bite out of the "McSame" remarks. I honestly haven't seen any other person being talked about for his VP, most of the early ones got dropped off because them made some stupid remarks that made them look like an idiot, and McCain doesn't want that kind of press. CHarlie Crist has always been a contender, but it remains to be seen if McCain would pick a VP based on trying to win one state as opposed to widen his broader appeal.
I finally was able to watch the full video of Obama announcing Biden as his running mate. I must say that it seems like a really good match. Obama is a soft toned person when he's in a debate or at a press conference, a big difference from his ability to stir up a crowd when he's at a campaign stop. Biden on the other hand, isn't as good at stirring up the crowd, but he has the attack skills of a lion. His skill with dismantling McCain attacks should be well proved in the coming weeks. I enjoyed the quip about him being the 5th most senior member of the senate, while being the 6th youngest. That just shows how old congress has gotten, because he's only 7 years younger than McCain.
McCain and Biden are supposedly friends, but Biden had some rough words for McCain's policies. I suspect wee will hear a lot more of the difference between a "good soldier" and a "great leader." McCain will still try to discredit his friend's foreign policy experience, as this is his strongest suit. Somehow I doubt this will be a walk through the park for McCain.
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Friday, August 22, 2008
The Plans: Energy
Here McCain addresses the "clean" aspect of his energy plan with statements of his support for a zero-emission car tax rebate and funding for a privately developed battery for use in plug in hybrids. He also addresses the need to move away from food-corn based ethanol to cellulostic ethanol which is produced essentially from waste. Here is where things get really hazy because McCain's site only sparsely uses an affirmative vow to action on a given issue. Read for yourself:
"John McCain will issue a Clean Car Challenge to the automakers of America, in the form of a single and substantial tax credit for the consumer based on the reduction of carbon emissions. He will commit a $5,000 tax credit for each and every customer who buys a zero carbon emission car"
(It should be noted that $5,000 is no where near enough to offset the cost of a fuel cell vehicle compared to a gasoline one, and that a similar tax credit ALREADY exists.)
"A $300 million prize should be awarded for the development of a battery package that has the size, capacity, cost and power to leapfrog the commercially available plug-in hybrids or electric cars."
"John McCain Supports Flex-Fuel Vehicles (FFVs) And Believes They Should Play A Greater Role In Our Transportation Sector. "
"John McCain Believes Alcohol-Based Fuels Hold Great Promise As Both An Alternative To Gasoline And As A Means of Expanding Consumers' Choices."
He follows this with:
"The second generation of alcohol-based fuels like cellulosic ethanol, which won't compete with food crops, are showing great potential. "
a simple statement on the nature of cellulosic ethanol and no plan for implimenting it, or even a commitment to do so. In fact, no part of his website's Energy Policy includes any form of guaranteed governmental support for renewable energy of any kind. The closest authentically green energy gets to a comitment from John McCain is this: "John McCain believes in an even-handed system of tax credits that will remain in place until the market transforms sufficiently to the point where renewable energy no longer merits the taxpayers' dollars."
"John McCain Will Effectively Enforce Existing CAFE Standards."
Excellent! He will carry out his Constitutional duty as President to enforce a law Congress has already enacted...
I could take this blog much further addressing the rest of McCain's energy plan, but I'm sure you all will agree this is quite long enough. For the rest of the info I encourage you to go to his website and read about it, then be sure to visit Obama's for the comparison. Having read both policies I have personally drawn the conclusion that McCain's plan is essentially shooting in all directions hoping to hit something, unfortunately instead of having a detailed direction for our nation's energy future he has a series of statements that simplistically outline the nature of the problem. He's not offering real answers, just making statements hoping that people will ignore the fact that he has promised little more than to find more oil, and enforce existing regulations. The true nature of McCain's energy policy is probably best detailed by his accepting $1.3 million dollars from oil execs and lobbyists, and his loyal devotion to Bush's policies. McCain has voted with increasing support (100% this past year) for the President's plans on EVERYTHING.
Again, read McCain's written policy (if you can even get through the various errors in his web page) and tell me what plan or commitment is to be found.
Then go read Obama's, and I can promise it will be clear that he not only has a plan for change, it is the best plan for this nation's energy. Or just wait until next week when I will outline Obama's plan.
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
News of the week
The Georgian-Russian conflict is becoming a talking point for both presidential campaigns because of one lobbyist on John McCain's staff, Randy Scheunemann. He has made a lot of money lobbying on behalf on the Georgian government, and it is becoming obvious that lobbyists continue to shape John McCain's policies. Even though both campaigns are, and should be, concerned with the invasion of Georgia, a sovereign nation, by Russia, lobbyists should not shape policy when they are being paid to have that concern.
More after the jump
John Edwards admitted to having an affair sometime in 2006 with his videographer for his campaign. He denies that the child she now has is his, that the relationship ended long before she became pregnant. He apparently told his wife about the affair in 2006 and is just now admitting to the affair with the public.
There is speculation as to whether Hillary Clinton will have her name added to the role call for the voting delegates at the DNC convention in two weeks. Some people are speculation that she wants to scare Obama into giving her the VP slot, while others are saying that she just wants her supporters to feel appreciated. I think at this point we should be past all of this political chess game and should be focusing on the national race, not the one that finished in June.
Congress continues to bicker over offshore drilling and a new energy bill. Behind all of the mud slinging while they are on break, a group of 10 members of congress, 5 from each party, have gotten together to create a deal on offshore drilling and renewable energy tax credits. Something for both parties. Obama has come out with tentative support for the measure, waiting for full support until after the final legislation comes out. McCain has been skeptical, while still waiting for the bill to be finished before giving a full opinion.
Today Cindy McCain injured her wrist while shaking hands with supporters. Might be time to increase those calcium supplements.
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Monday, August 4, 2008
Back from Vacation
McCain criticized Obama for not visiting the injured troops while on his world tour. Of course Obama was told he could not bring the media that spend the whole trip on his plane with him, that's official DoD policy, so he decided it would be best not to try and politicize their wounds. McCain was rejected for the same type of trip in the Spring, because it was during his primary run and the DOD saw the conflict that it would create.
Click the link for the rest.
Obama's suggestion that inflating our tires would help reduce gas consumption (the DoE has said this may help up to 4%) was immediately mocked by the McCain campaign, they released some tire gauges with "Obama's Energy Plan" on them. Of course McCain says that properly inflating tires is the right thing to do.
Senator Lindsey Graham, a top McCain advisor, said that raising raising taxes on Social Security is not out of the question as part of a comprehensive reform package that the McCain campaign is offering. McCain has repeatedly said that he, unlike Obama, would refuse to raise any taxes and would only reduce them.
The Democrats have refused to vote on offshore drilling, while the Republicans have refused to allow votes on any comprehensive energy plan. Both of them blame each other, and the American people lose.
Walmart is forcing managers to go to meetings that focus on the negatives of an Obama presidency, higher wages, health care, carbon taxes. Mostly they are afraid of being forced to open their workforce up to unions.
Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska was indicted on 7 counts of failing to report several hundred thousand dollars worth of renovations to his home from an oil company that has pushed for drilling in ANWR. Sen. Stevens himself has been a large advocate of opening up ANWR to drilling and has repeatedly been scrutinized for his connections to donors.
Bruce Ivans, the main suspect in the 2001 anthrax attacks, killed himself as the FBI began to close in around him. Charges were set to be filed, after his lawyer got a phone call indicated what the charges would be, he apparently took a large amount of prescription Tylenol with codine.
When asked about experts opinions that offshore drilling wouldn't produce oil until 2020 at the earliest at an event last week, McCain said that the oil executives he met with told him it could be done within months, maybe 2-3 years at the most. In addition to that, McCain's joint campaign fund with the RNC (which allows him to raise money but avoid nagging problems like $2000 caps on donations) raised over $880,000 from oil companies after June 16th, the day he came out in support of offshore drilling. He raised less than $50,000 in the previous 17 months of his campaign from that same business sector.
A small sampling of the events taking place while I was slacking off.
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Sunday, August 3, 2008
Form Letter Reply from Senator Roberts
Dear Mr. Titus:
Thank you for sharing your views regarding United States policy towards Iran. I appreciate your taking the time to contact me.
Recently, the intelligence community released a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) stating with "high confidence" that Iran abandoned its nuclear weapons program in 2003. However, as the NIE acknowledges, Iran continues to enrich uranium on an industrial scale in open defiance of binding UN resolutions. Thus, regardless of whether Iran axed a particular program in 2003, it continues to aggressively pursue a broader nuclear agenda that could be turned into a weapons program at any time. And it is doing so in defiance of international law.
Iran poses a clear and present danger to the entire region, and the world. In addition to the country's continued antagonistic rhetoric, a source within the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recently confirmed Iran has the blueprints to case uranium in the shape of an atomic bomb core. The U.S. also knows that Iran has extensive technical information on how to fit a warhead atop a ballistic missile and there is considerable evidence that Iran has also been developing the detonation devices needed to set off a nuclear explosion.
Even assuming Iran is not seeking a bomb right now, it is far from reassuring that they are developing technologies that could bring them within a steps of one. As former Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and a former Marine, I believe a nuclear Iran is a significant roadblock to peace in the region. It is also an unacceptable security risk to the United States and the world. Iran continues to provide financial and material support to terrorist groups that use violence against the United States and our allies in the region.
Because of Iran’s demonstrated hostile intentions, I will continue to support policies that promote the containment of Iran until it agrees to comply with international law. It is my hope that the United Nations Security Council will continue to work collectively and decisively to stifle the Iranian regime's dangerous attempts to exert influence over the international community. Again, thanks for writing. If you would like more information on issues before the Senate, please visit my website at
With every best wish,
Does this sound at all like something you have heard before?